AlgoSev™ is an Augmented Intelligence algorithm that provides predictions and alerting on the most harmful Risk combinations
It is a new synthetic and inductive inference engine based on the evolution of Cindynics and programmed in Hyperfarsight™ Dynamic Programming logic using new Boolean operators.
The algorithm draws its incredible predictive accuracy from the unprecedented Hyper-Theory™, the first mathematical framework on Risk as a whole.
AlgoSev™ provides companies with a monitoring of all areas of risk, increasing their ability to achieve “bug-bounty” permanent control across all risks, shortening the timing and dynamically adapting their decision strategy.
Risks are increasingly frequent and have disastrous consequences despite technological advances. Today, companies are still only reacting to problems as they lack a post-probabilistic and real-time Risk calculation and often only face them after they have occurred.
AlgoSev™ is applicable across the whole spectrum of Risk, of any type or size, and on any asset. It is compatible with any type of organization without having to change it.
AlgoSev™ guarantees the best strategies to neutralize Risk in less than 24 hours.
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KELONY® Solutions
The scientific and independent Risk measurement is a key element in decision-making processes as it has a significant impact on the organizational choices, on strategic decisions and, in general, on everything that affects the life of the company, of humankind and of our planet